Cayenne Chili Popcorn

Cayenne Chili Popcorn recipe from Oliva di Vita

Cayenne Chili Popcorn recipe from Oliva di Vita Cayenne Chili Popcorn

scant 1/2 C popcorn
1/4 tsp Cayenne Chili infused olive oil
1/4 tsp mild to medium intensity extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 – 1/2 tsp Salt, to taste
Mix all ingredients, place in microwave oven popcorn maker or inside a paper bag folded to seal shut and place in microwave.
Set time and pop –  2- 4 minutes
Do not wait until popping stops to turn off microwave – too long and
popcorn may burn. Listen for slowing popping, and stop then.
Carefully remove from microwave, take off lid/open bag – be careful of steam, and enjoy!

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